Una solución para recuperar polvos de maquillaje Restored furniture effect cellular concrete New wall decor with cellular concrete DIY Floor pot How to transform a small hallway or porch for under £50

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Restored furniture effect cellular concrete

0:00/1× J´adore le béton cellulaire et en particulier les meubles. Je n´en pouvais plus de ces deux meubles à la salle à manger mais ils sont quand même très utiles. Alors à la place de racheter du neuf, j´ai fait du neuf avec du vieux!...

DIY Floor pot

I have been looking for a large floor pot to place my faux olive tree in, but I found it hard to find a pot in the size I wanted for a reasonable prize. So I decided to make one of my own using an old laundry basket! MATERIALS * Laundry...

DIY Timber Dowel Door Pulls/Handles

I really wanted a simple look and adding these timber dowel door handles have really added that bespoke and coastal touch to all our Barn doors here at home, i looked for a few timber options but they were all too expensive, so I set out to making our own...

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