Crafting Comfort: My DIY Plywood Bench Shoppable mood boards - bedrooms & sale picks Kitchen Bench Styling How to DIY a Sunbed made of ribbon DIY Vintage Inspired Bench

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Crafting Comfort: My DIY Plywood Bench

Welcome to my latest DIY adventure where I transformed a simple piece of plywood into a stylish and comfortable bench for my home. In this step-by-step guide, I'll walk you through the process of creating a sleek and cozy seating solution using basic materials and a touch of...

Kitchen Bench Styling

Who does not  like a beautiful kitchen bench styling ,right? Here im showing you a few of my own kitchen styling ideas and how i have created it using a few different shapes and size boards and a some of my favourite decor pieces .I always say have fun and...

How to DIY a Sunbed made of ribbon

Follow me on Instagram! You heard right........... If you wanna know exactly how I did check my instagram. But now let's get to it. Measurements: length 180 cm x width 70 cm and height 30 cm. Plank: 6.8cm x 4.8cm Ribbon: Jute ribbon. I used 7...

DIY Vintage Inspired Bench

A Step-by-Step Guide Looking to add some rustic charm to your home decor? Why not try building your own vintage-inspired bench? With a few basic tools and some affordable materials, you can create a stylish and functional piece of furniture that will look great in any room of your house....

3 Easy DIY and Upcycles

Are you feeling crafty but don't have any tools to help you? Don't worry, we've got you covered! Here are three easy DIY/upcycle projects that you can achieve without using any tools. Project 1: Cosy Pillow Materials: * Pillow * Faux sheepskin * Glue gun * Belt...

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