How to create a feature limewash concrete effect for less
I have always loved the concrete effect but the simple wallpapers always seems just a repeat pattern; which I originally had in this room before and the murals are too expensive. Here is the wallpaper I had, which I added some mustard paint to try and make it less of repetitive pattern.

So I decided to try my own method to create the effect.

Firstly I stripped off the wallpaper, remember to use sugar soap to clean the wall afterwards as your paint wont adhere to the wall.

Then I added a coat of a grey matt emulsion.

It was taking some covering the cream underneath and looked worst before it looked better.

A third coat and we finally a good base colour to start building the effect.

As the was experimental I didn't know what would be best to create the effect I was looking for. So I bought a few testers, different greys that would complement the base colour. A few brushes including a old makeover brush, a sponge, old rag, water spray bottle and some rust paint.

So I began... this was definitely a 'what have I done moment' but I decided to trust the process.
But once I added the different colours mainly by using the old rag and water bottle, it started to take shape and look something like I wanted.
I also used the brushes to pick out some lighter bits. There isn't a right or wrong way to do this. Its more of a building up the effect process.
Here is the finished results. It did take a few days to complete, as I let it settle and dry fully after every time I added paint. But it was definitely the look I was after.