DIY canvas frame No electrician? No problem! 5 Home decor hacks to up your lighting game and more... IKEA HACK Livingroom decor Living Room Makeover
Living room

Living room 23

Make your living room the heart of your home with our expertly curated decor and ideas.

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DIY canvas frame

Being an artist as well as a DIY-freak I wanted to make stylish floating frames for my paintings without compromising on the quality or my wallet. These canvas frames resemble the ones you get in a frame shop since they are sturdy, removable and elegant but at the same time,...


Y aquí os traigo este súper IKEA HACK. Fácil de hacer y a tu medida. Solo necesitáis unos manteles individuales de fibras naturales, cola o silicona caliente y ya tendréis vuestra alfombra a la medida que necesitéis.

Livingroom decor

Welcome How nice of you to take a look. Want to see more of my interior design, diy and homestyling? Then check out my instagram account! Our living room is a peaceful oasis of natural tones. We find this very important because we are always busy and when we come...

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