Un joyero DIY de Leroy Merlín y Zara Home DIY Custom - Under Bench 
      Storage and Seating DIY- Wandvertäfelung (deutsch) DIY Freestanding Headboard DIY Panelling on a crooked wall ⚒️💙

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DIY Custom - Under Bench Storage and Seating

I really wanted a window seat in our lounge room so that I could use for storing cushions, throws and Magazines and books in there when not in use, so we set out to building this easy DIY under Bench Storage and seating, a relatively simple Diy, here I have...

DIY- Wandvertäfelung (deutsch)

Ich zeige euch wie ihr eure Wände trotz krummen Altbauwände mit Leisten verkleiden könnt! 1.Ihr benötigt MDF Platten und Leisten bestehend aus einer Fußleiste, einem Ablagebrett und die Leisten für die Mittelstreben. Auf Grund der Länge der Wand habe ich die Fußleisten und das Ablagebrett aus 2 Teilen zusammen...

DIY Freestanding Headboard

I hope you really enjoy this DIY, we really thought of all the possibilities of moving home or even moving rooms, I designed this headboard so that it can be moved around and also renter friendly too. So I really wanted to design a bedhead that was aesthetically pleasing and...

DIY Panelling on a crooked wall ⚒️💙

If you have a crooked wall like me because you are living in an old building this instruction is for you! I used already fitted MDF-tilings (you can get them in the DIY-market or order them in the internet). After I measured the wall and decided on a height I...

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