Restored furniture effect cellular concrete DIY ARCH COMPOUND SHELVE HOW TO INSTAL A LIGHT SUSPENSION INTO THE CEILING WITHOUT ELECTRIC WORK Easy Marble Coasters DIY DIY wooden headboard

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Restored furniture effect cellular concrete

0:00/1× J´adore le béton cellulaire et en particulier les meubles. Je n´en pouvais plus de ces deux meubles à la salle à manger mais ils sont quand même très utiles. Alors à la place de racheter du neuf, j´ai fait du neuf avec du vieux!...


A few months ago i wanted an arch plaster shelve ,but i didnt justify paying so much for it ,so i decided to give it a go making one and love how it turned out . MATERIAL YOU NEED : . A few pieces of cardboard . Masking tape . A piece of timber   . Timber...

Easy Marble Coasters DIY

This one is so beautifully simple!! You know when you order some sample tiles for that next big project.... well you can use your favourites as coasters. I ordered: ~ Nero Marble ~ Calacatta Viola Arabescato Marble ~ White Marble Once you have your choosen tiles, add felt pads to the base to...

DIY wooden headboard

This DIY is SO simple yet so stylish! I wanted a headboard in dark wood for our bed and when I found this beautiful countertop at IKEA an idea was born. One of the best things about this DIY headboard - apart from its beauty - is that it is...

DIY canvas frame

Being an artist as well as a DIY-freak I wanted to make stylish floating frames for my paintings without compromising on the quality or my wallet. These canvas frames resemble the ones you get in a frame shop since they are sturdy, removable and elegant but at the same time,...

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