Paula Kelly

Paula Kelly

Noosa Queensland Australia Instagram TikTok

Hi I'm Paula, You'll find me creating budget DIY'S & home decor. My goal is to inspire you to create affordable home decor and styling for your home. IG daily inspiration @hamptonluxuryhome

DIY napkin vase

Make a plain glass jar look so expensive. separate a 3 ply napkin to 1 ply, you'll need 1 part PVA to 1 part water, couple of paper napkins, glue for the door knobs on the top, varnish. see my latest post for full instructions. I'm...

Affordable home decor

For less than a few dollars you can make these ceramic looking balls. Check out my latest posts on what you can achieve with some PVA glue, paper napkins and some spray varnish.....

Sometimes you have to faux it

Do you know you can mix faux and real flowers together. Make an inexpensive bunch of real flowers look huge by adding some faux flowers, choose good quality faux flowers and no one will know.....

Let me show you how to make styling easy

Styling a home is my passion and I want to help you. The best advice is give my clients is stand back and look at the space from all angles, even take a photo of the space you want to create. Less is more keep it simple and uncluttered. Remember...

Best feature we ever did in our kitchen..

A window splashback draws natural light into your kitchen, instantly making your space larger, brighter and more inviting. It's also a great way to frame a beautiful garden view or in our case add a tropical scape....

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